A,en,Ailor Girona,ro,We make,ca,Construction of houses, gardens, annexes, spaces and illusions.,ca,We study the best construction option in the space our client has. We make,ca,tailor -made architecture and interior design projects,ca,To achieve an optimum result adapted to the needs of each person. We offer improvements in housing.,ca,Sustainable houses,ca,of low electricity consumption, taking advantage of the natural conditions for increasing energy efficiency. Solar thermal energy, water treatment, heating systems, home automation, etc.,ca,Specialized in the construction of,ca,bioclimatic housing,ca Ailor Girona, empresa de reformes de Girona l’objectiu d’una reforma constructiva és convertir una casa en una llar, en espais amplis ,agradables i renovats. A partir d’ un projecte d’ interiorisme adaptat a les necessitats, tendències, prioritats i funcionalitat del nostre client. Un projecte on poden conviure interior i exterior, aprofitant l’ espai existent i traient el millor del mateix.
Una reforma integral de tota la casa, una cuina, un bany, un exterior o un annexa, és la coordinació d’espais enllaçats en si mateixos on seguint un model d’ arquitectura, aportem la tècnica de projectar millores i sensacions.–
A Ailor ens ocupem de tot, with a technical team, we carry out the project and if necessary we present it for the application for permission. And with our own and very professional industrialists, we coordinate all the work and the reform, without having to worry. Delivery of the project, keys in hand.,ca,Change of facilities, openings and enclosures, finished with interior materials, outdoor design, painting, comprehensive reforms with closed budget.,ca,Ailor new spaces | HOUSES,ca
Canvi d’instal·lacions, obertures i tancaments, acabats amb materials d’interiors, disseny d’exteriors, pintura, reformes integrals amb pressupost tancat.